The Essentials You Need to Pack When Moving to Uni
Published on , in Student Removals, Checklist.
Prepare for student life by getting the lowdown on what to take to university using our packing essentials guide. Here's what to take to University
Are you a university student seeking to learn more about what it takes to move to uni? Perhaps you want insights into settling in the U.K. as an international student? Whatever the case, we've got you covered! In this section, you'll get up-to-date insights into student removals.
Published on , in Student Removals, Checklist.
Prepare for student life by getting the lowdown on what to take to university using our packing essentials guide. Here's what to take to University
Published on , in Student Removals.
Very few things are as tiring & frustrating for both parents and incoming first-years as their move-in day. Read our top 6 tips for a stress free uni move
Published on , in Student Removals.
Are you an international student moving to York university? Here are some tips on getting used to the UK’s cities, uni societies and cultural quirks!
Published on , in Renting, Student Removals.
Tips on how graduates and students can furnish their flats and houses at an affordable price. Take to the internet and search charity shops.
Published on , in Student Removals.
1 Van 1 Man examine the pros and cons of living in student halls - the surge of spirit in independent living, and the heated politics of dirty dishes.
Published on , in Student Removals.
There's all sorts to juggle when you go to university. Here is our list of six essential items to move with you when you settle into student halls.
Published on , in Student Removals, Lifestyle.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder - our tips for staying in a healthy, lasting long distance relationship while studying at university.