A Guide To Moving In With Your Partner - What To Prepare

Published on , in House Removals, Lifestyle.

The next step of every relationship would be moving in together, a leap of faith that essentially resembles a marriage. It involves more than just the act of moving your things over to a new place, as you’re essentially establishing a life together. In other words, you’ll need to sort through your stuff and decide what to do with them, find a new place if necessary, and above all, tread on the territory of financial matters.

More importantly, you need to prepare your body and mind for the 24/7 shared space, as you’ll essentially be sacrificing your privacy from now on. But of course, such sacrifices are always worth it, especially if you get to create a life with the love of your life.

To help you properly prepare for the big move, however, focusing on the practical side is necessary. Make the moving process a little easier and less stressful with this handy guide:

Step 1: Assess all your belongings—what needs to go?

A huge part of every move necessitates going through your stuff, and it’s even more important when it comes to moving in together. Bear in mind that you and your partner lead separate lives, meaning that your things combined will result in a cramped home. You’ll likely have duplicates of things, such as two coffee tables, two beds, two cabinets, and essential things you simply do not have space for.

Before anything else, take some time to figure out what you already have. You need to sort out what needs to be kept, what can be sold, and everything else that could be donated or thrown away. Begin with the bulky stuff, such as pieces of furniture, carefully working your way into the smallest things, such as clothes and decor items. Before you know it, you’ve narrowed everything down, successfully combining all your belongings!

Golden tip: Start packing your things as soon as you can and invest in a good moving company! Learn more through our guide to moving here.

Step 2: Examine your respective dwellings—where should you live?

Will your partner be moving over, stay in your place, or opt to just look for a new place? A variety of factors will come into play, especially if you’re looking for a better space. If you both live in studio apartments, for instance, you may want to look for a two-bedroom apartment.

If one already lives in a spacious apartment, however, you will need to think about commuting, pet accommodations, and neighbourhood amenities—all these should meet both of your expectations and needs. If your current places just do not check off your lists, begin searching for your new home.

Step 3: Talk about finances—it’s time to open up your financial lives

One of the most nerve-wracking and yet completely important parts of moving in together will be your financial lives. Cohabitation can be eye-opening, as it essentially requires you to be involved with each other’s savings, expenses, and utility costs. You’ll also need to accommodate groceries, rent, and of course, little things like clothes and dates. It can feel quite restrictive at first, as it’s easy to feel like you’ve lost your privacy over your finances.

When it comes to money matters, communication is key. Once you’ve got everything ready, sit down and talk about money. Openly talking about it will help you decipher what you can afford, and how you intend to share the bills. In doing so, you avoid developing future financial strains,

The Bottom Line

There’s so much to think about when it comes to the process of moving in with your partner. You’re required to sort out your belongings, settle on a place, talk about finances, and of course, actually partake in the process of moving. Make no mistake—the entire process will be stressful, but you’ll find it to be entirely worth it. You’ll be spending every day with the love of your life!

Careful planning requires the help of a professional moving company such as 1 Van 1 Man Removals. We understand every aspect of moving, that's why we ensure that you’ll have the best possible moving experience. We’ve been serving York as one of the best moving companies for over a decade now, so rest assured that we’ll make the moving process easier and more comfortable for you. Reach out to us today to learn more.

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