Heading to University? Six things you shouldn’t leave!

Published on , in Student Removals.

So now you’re packing your bags for uni, both excited and nervous to meet your new flatmates and start your course. You’ve been food shopping and packed all the essentials (including a king sized bag of pasta) and you have arranged all your clothes and what you’re going to need.

Make sure you don’t make the mistake of forgetting the following!

Your Blanket/Duvet set

When you are feeling a bit homesick and just want to stay in bed all day, it’s a good idea to bring in some home comforts. Splash out on a new duvet cover but make sure you bring a blanket or a throw from your old bedroom. It will keep you warm when the winter months arrive and remind you of home when you need it!


Most student halls or accommodation will provide a shared TV. However, if you want to watch The Great British Bake Off but your flatmate has already settled down to watch a film, you might want a small TV for your bedroom. Make sure you have your TV licence sorted though and you may need a Freeview box for the extra TV! If you don’t have room in the car don’t worry, you can watch TV on your laptop now thanks to loads of digital services. But if you think you do need extra room to fit all your belongings, why not hire a removal van?

A Kettle/Coffee maker

Again, most halls usually will provide a kettle, but if you can’t live without your morning cappuccino, you might want to invest or borrow a coffee maker from home. Don’t forget to take a flask or travel mug too, you don’t want to see your money wasted on soaring coffee prices!

A Printer

In your first year, you won’t really worry about how much you’re spending on printing. Your student loan will ensure your bank account looks nice and healthy and the odd tenner here and there never seems to make a huge dent. However, once the deadlines start to pile up and you seem to be printing masses of pages, you might want to invest in a decent printer at home. If you buy one beforehand, this saves you money and time waiting in the queue. It’s also a great money making scheme too, you could share the use of the printer if flatmates are prepared to share a cut of the ink. It won’t make you a millionaire but it will bring in a bit more cash!

Cutlery, Pots and Pans

Get yourself a set of knives and forks, don’t forget a corkscrew, can opener and a set of dishes and plates! If you keep it all washed and stored properly, you’ll be able to use it for the whole three years. As a flat you could invest in a good wok too, then you can fry, boil and scramble and obviously make a mean stir fry too!

A Tonne of Photos

Nothing is quite as cool as making your own photo wall or noticeboard display, and especially if you’re moving far away and won’t be going home too often, it can help you settle. Everyone loves to show off their pets, siblings and friends from back home.

Wondering how you will get everything to university? Use a removal company in York like 1 Van 1 Man!

Have we forgotten anything on this list? Let us know through our social media!

Things to take to university

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